Last night we were together
no one else, just you and me
everything felt wonderful
like a magic, like a dream
The twinkle in your eyes
the innocence on your face
made me forget everything
my heart started to race
Holding your waist
as i pulled you closer
you blushed and trembled
my hands too started to shiver
Felt the midas touch of yours
as you put your hand on mine
wanted time to stop there & then
it was all too beautiful , too divine
You were cuddled into my arms
wanted to stay like that forever
at last whispered into your ear
stay close, never go away dear
would you stay with me forever
asked you again and again
but how will you reply
you were not even there
oh gosh!!!!! it was a dream
that was never meant to be
reality struck me at once
how can i even think of it
Its too good to be real
and it turned out so
always wanted us to be together
but i have to let you go
can't desires be fullfiled
can't dreams come true
would you please tell me this
can't i have my one wish...........