Friendship or love
Which one is greater
Some say its former
But others go with latter
My friends, worried for me
Always wish me well
My love is indifferent to me
So what can i tell
They want me more
And she tries to ignore
They share everything
She tells nothing
On B'day one friend wished me
On stroke of eleven fifty nine
But for whom i was waiting
Wished me when she had time
Friends are everywhere
Friends are all around
Even then in my heart
Only she could be found
I know in my life
Friends have played big role
But her memories are
Etched in my heart & soul
This love vs friendship dilemma
Is a difficult one to decide
Can't say which one is better
Can't go with any one side
They say love will bring
Friendships to an end
But she says your love
Must come after your friend
My friends are awesome
Will forget them never
But she is everything
I wished for ever